
Getting Started

First register your details - this will enable us to provide you with receipts and payment notifications.

Once your details have been registered you can enter the serail number of the Card or Keyfob provided by your EV: Group Manager to Access the service.

You may now continue to Sage Pay in order to securely enter your bank card details and make the intial payment of £20.00 into your TopUp account.

Future payments will send notifications to your mobile phone and email address, provided at registration.

How it works

By pressing the Charge Point service button and then presenting your access card or keyfob you will be authorising payment to be taken from your TopUp account.

As long as there are sufficient funds in your TopUp account a charge session will be approved. When your account balance reaches zero an automatic TopUp of £20.00 will be debited from your bank card.

After each successful TopUp payment you will receive a notification sent to your mobile phone and email address.

If for any reason the bank card used is no longer valid e.g. expired, you will need to go through the Sage Pay process again with a valid card to continue using the service. Just follow the Getting Started instructions.

You can view your account balance, payment receipts and past charge sessions at anytime when logged onto the website.
